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Thriller #1 - Before I Go to Sleep

#1 on my thriller countdown... my VERY favorite Thriller... Before I Go to Sleep by SJ Watson. This one will knock your socks off, y'all! Before I Go to Sleep is about a woman called Christine who wakes up every morning with no memory of who she is. Through labeled pictures and the help of her husband, every day she pieces together her life and learns of the accident that made her this way.

You will like this book if:

✔ losing all memory of your life is scary
✔ you like an unconventional mystery
✔ you want to be left guessing until the very last sentence
✔ you like a good page turner
✔ you want a book sure to keep you up at night

I found this book on complete accident when I was actually looking for Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver (also very good). I still have not seen the movie based on this book, because, let's be real, the book is always better. This is an awesome thrill ride that will have you rooting for Christine as she fights to figure out what is real and what is a lie.

Tell me, have you read the book? Seen the movie? Adding this to your list? Comment below!


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